you are to write an e-mail to james cook, a newly-arrived australian professor, recommending some tourist attractions in your city.?
please give reasons for your recommendation.
you should write neatly on the answer sheet.
do not sign your own name at the end of the email. use “li ming” instead.
do not write the address. (10 points)
综合建议1. 对于不熟悉的人,在称呼的时候最好用全名或者“头衔+姓(英语中名后面的才是姓)”
2.? 题目再简单也有可能跑题!认真审题永远是最重要的一步。
dear professor james cook,?
welcome to china! i’m writing this email to recommend some tourist attractions. and i would like to show you around in the near future.?
first of all, the palace museum, with more than 600 years of history, is highly recommended. it is home to various antiques and traditional chinese buildings. you can witness splendid chinese culture and the royal court. besides, i would like to recommend the national museum, which is just across the palace museum and more importantly, free of charge. the magnificent national museum, which is tremendous beyond imagination, co
ntains numerous appealing antiques like china, bronze and so on. visiting the museum is the best way to know the nation and its culture.??
i hope you will enjoy your stay in china. best wishes!
li ming


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