


the word?hobby?has an interesting history, and so does the concept of the hobby itself. cultural attitudes have changed greatly about which ones are worth pursuing, and indeed whether having a hobby is desirable at all.?


it is probably safe to say that when?hobby?was first used in the 15th century, most people didn’t have one, as it referred to a particular kind of horse. a hobby was a small horse that could “amble,” a particularly smooth, quick?gait?that was prized for long rides over terrible roads. according to the oxford english dictionary, the word is a shortened form of hobbin, the archetypal name for a cart-horse, like rover for a dog.



the hobby also had a part in medieval folk celebrations. mummers and morris dancers often included a person or two dressed up in horse costume, or pretending to ride a wooden stick with a horse’s head. such hobbyhorses made popular children’s toys, too.?since hobbyhorses were the domain of young children and?pantomime?actors, “riding one’s hobby-horse” or being “on one’s hobby” became an idiom for?avidly?pursuing an idea or activity that looks silly to others.?


hobbies were considered slightly embarrassing, though mostly harmless, through the 18th century. in the 19th century, though, they grew more socially acceptable as middle-class leisure time increased.?it became?de rigueur?for both men and women to pursue activities that would have seemed strange or?frivolous?a century before.?


in the early 20th century, according to historian steven gelber, hobbies “shed the old stigma of eccentricity” and came to be seen as a way to?imbue?life with meaning and dignity. with a hobby, people could choose their own goals and progress toward them.?


这篇文章节选自:christian science monitor(基督教科学告诫报)


作者:melissa mohr

原文标题:a ‘hobby’ wasn’t always considered a good thing



英 /ɡe?t/ 美 /ɡe?t/


vt. 练习步法


英 /?p?nt??ma?m/ 美 /?p?nt??ma?m/





adv.贪心肠;热心肠 ? ?


英 /?fr?v?l?s/ 美 /?fr?v?l?s/



英 /?m?bju?/ 美 /?m?bju?/



1.de rigueur 礼节需要的;交际礼仪上必要的


in the early 20th century, according to historian steven gelber, hobbies “shed the old stigma of eccentricity” and came to be seen as a way to imbue life with meaning and dignity.

规划: … came to be seen as a way to imbue life with meaning and dignity.


例句: possessing dreams came to be seen as a way to imbue life with meaning and dignity.????


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